$500 Deposit: Can I use my $500 deposit for another program?
Last Updated: Mar 22, 2024 Views: 446

If you withdraw from a program prior to the tenth business day of the semester where you paid the $500 deposit, you can apply the $500 deposit towards a different program as long as it is within the same academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring). 

There are two ways that you can apply the $500 deposit:

  • Deposit for a new program: If you start a new program in the same academic year, you are able to apply that deposit to the new program. This is a manual process, and you will need to contact the Registrar’s Office after you have been accepted and request that they use the deposit for the new term.
  • Tuition for individual courses: If you register for single courses in the same academic year (either through AC Online or Continuing Education), you can apply that $500 deposit against the tuition. You will need to contact the Registrar’s Office before you register for the course and request that your deposit be applied to the tuition of the courses you want. See the full list of individual courses to choose a course.

Tip: The Communications course (ENL1813) is part of most diploma and advanced diplomas programs at Algonquin College, so taking it as a single course saves you from having to take it later if you take a different program.

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