Withdrawal meeting: What to expect in your program withdrawal meeting
Last Updated: Aug 18, 2023 Views: 1317

When you choose to withdraw from your program, you must book and attend a program withdrawal meeting with an Algonquin College staff member. In this appointment, the staff member will do the following:

  • Provide you with information related to your withdrawal (U-Pass, lockers, co-op, etc.)  
  • Inform you of your options as applicable  
  • Answer any questions you have about the process  

After the meeting, the staff member will send you a form to withdraw from your program. Completing this form will formally initiate your program withdrawal. Once you have submitted the form, the Registrar’s Office will action the withdrawal and send you an email to confirm that your withdrawal has been completed. 

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    Note: If you are looking to withdraw or change your program, follow the instructions on the withdrawal/transfer website.

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