Grades: Where to see them in Brightspace
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2023 Views: 111

As you complete assignments and quizzes throughout the semester, your grades will typically be posted in the course page in Brightspace.

To view your grades:

  1. Log in to Brightspace.
  2. Open the course from the course menu.
  3. In the top menu, click Progress and select Grades from the drop-down menu. Any grades that your instructor has published using the Brightspace Grades tool will appear.

Your grade for each assignment and quiz is given a weight of a certain number of points. You can see how each grade affects your total grade in the class.

If a grade does not appear on this page, it may be because your instructor has not published it using the Grades tool, or because they have disabled the tool.

For more information about using Brightspace, visit the Algonquin College Brightspace website

Note: To see your final grades for the course, you will need to check ACSIS after the end of the term. 


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